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Palmer Articles

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What They Mean When They Say... 'The PEG Ratio'

14 Jun 2023

In this series of essays, each designed to demystify an aspect of the arcane language used by investment professionals, we have landed on the subject of ratios (the relationship between numbers) and we now consider a couple in some detail: first, a little revision on the price/earnings (P/E) ratio and then onto the price-earnings-growth (PEG) ratio.

What They Mean When They Say... 'Correction'

4 May 2023

Corrections in the stock market may well bring handsome benefits to clients of this venerable firm ...

Investment & Economic Review April 2023

5 Apr 2023

Predictably, the aggressive interest rate policies adopted by central banks has had some effect.  The policymakers’ intention was to temper inflationary forces by subduing the purchasing capacity of the consumer.  However (at least to date), consumption patterns have been less affected than anticipated, and it is the financial system itself that is bearing the brunt of central bank tightening.

What They Mean When They Say... 'EBITDA'

4 Apr 2023

When analysts get to work on evaluating whether a company’s shares are worthy of recommendation for a well designed portfolio, they seek to understand how it has performed and how that may indicate future outcomes: will the value go up, down, or sideways?

What They Mean When They Say... “An Investment Portfolio”

6 Mar 2023

There are portfolios and then there are portfolios ... not necessarily of the same quality. Here, strictly avoiding the provision of advice, we’ll briefly explore this theme…


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