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Investment & Economic Review October 2018

18 Oct 2018

A notable economic feature of late is the inexorable rise in US interest rates, and its consequential effect on rates elsewhere, and market valuations. Equally notable is the escalation of trade disputes, most particularly between the United States and China. This shift towards greater protectionism by the United States could, if not mitigated, trigger more dramatic retaliatory actions, possibly including currency devaluations, and stands as a primary market risk as we look to the remainder of 2018 and into 2019.

The Aged Care Rollercoaster

12 Oct 2018
The Aged Care Rollercoaster

Without a doubt, the decision to assist a loved one enter residential aged care in addition to the difficulties of trying to gain some understanding of complexities of the aged care system, can be an emotional rollercoaster for most of us. 

At Joseph Palmer & Sons, we guide families through the aged care maze and help them to achieve the best financial outcomes.

Investment Scandals Skase

10 Oct 2018

“If you can't avoid being deported, scarper now before it's too late. Slip away at night. ... Put on your false nose. Dye your hair. See a plastic surgeon. Become someone else and run, run, run.” - Great Train Robber Ronnie Biggs (allegedly giving advice to Australian fugitive Christopher Skase)

More from the House of Palmer

10 Oct 2018
More from the House of Palmer

We are pleased to offer you both our Palmer Managed Discretionary Account and Palmer Separately Managed Account.
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Investment Scandals Krueger

17 Sep 2018

“I have built my enterprise on the firmest ground that can be found - the foolishness of people.” - Ivar Krueger


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